Paediatrics Department

Dr T. Nyamutowa MBchB (UZ) MMED PAEDS (UZ) DCH (Australia) FC PAED (SA) Consultant Paediatrician and HOD

Dr. C Chasauka MBchB (UZ) MMED PAEDS (UZ) Consultant Paediatrician

The department of Paediatrics caters for all paediatric care in Bulawayo and its referral centres which are Matebeleland North and South, Masvingo and Midlands provinces

The department has two specialists, 5 Hospital Medical Officers and several Junior doctors in training.

We provide new born care in our Maternity wards and theatres. The infants and older children coming from home are seen at Richard Morris Paediatric department which has its own casualty.

We conduct our clinics weekly as follows:

Tuesdays- Infants and older children (General Paediatrics)

Thursdays- High Risk Baby Clinic

Friday- Preterm Baby Clinic